Tag: oceano

Orcas: Majestic Marine Creatures in the Strait of Gibraltar

Orcas: Majestic Marine Creatures in the Strait of Gibraltar

These encounters between orcas and sailboats have sparked great interest and debate within the maritime and scientific communities. Orcas appear to exhibit peculiar behavior when approaching sailboats, sometimes even striking them with their fins and causing material damage in some cases.

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Submarine Tragedies in the 21st Century: From ARA San Juan to Oscar II Kursk and Beyond

Submarine Tragedies in the 21st Century: From ARA San Juan to Oscar II Kursk and Beyond

The depths of the ocean hold both wonder and danger, as witnessed by the tragic submarine disasters of the 21st century. From the haunting loss of ARA San Juan to the fateful sinking of Oscar II Kursk, these catastrophes remind us of the human cost involved in navigating the underwater world. Amidst the news of the recent disappearance of the Titanic Submarine, codenamed Titan, we are left with questions:

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